Thursday, May 20, 2010

Talent, Character, and Christ

Today, in the midst of a conversation on the necessity for worship leaders to remain above reproach, Jeremy Horn said "I don't want my talent to take me where my character can't keep me." I heard Andy Stanley say something similar at Passion 2010 this year, and I continue to be blown away by the implications of this desire for those who follow the Savior. In a culture where our self-worth is often connected to our success, it seems unthinkable that one would not grasp for fame to the furthest extent his or her abilities will allow. And yet for the believer, (and even more so for the leader), our limitations should be designed to maximize our freedom to be faithful to God's call on our lives. If our character is outstripped by our talent, then our talent will need to be muzzled to serve the greater thing, which is to remain pure and undefiled by this world. Certainly this is Christ's attitude, who being in His very nature God, did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped for, but humbled Himself. If anyone could have farther capitalized their talent, it was the One who surrendered such temporal things for eternal glory.

Also in attendance were David Lewis, Jason Stockdale, Josh Maze, Rob Ramsey, and Heather Issac

I'm Joshua Smith. Let's do this again sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for setting this up Josh. It really was great discussion today and I'm already encouraged by our group of leaders. I'm looking forward to more of it!
